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Disability Studies Conferences
Disability Studies Conference 2-4 September 2008
The fourth international disability studies conference will take place at Lancaster University, UK. The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners, policy makers and activits to share and debate research, ideas and developments in disability studies.
A call for papers and posters will be issued in January 2008. The closing date for abstracts will be 30th April.
Submissions are particularly welcomed from students, activists and first time presenters, activists and first time presenters. We seek to provide a supportive environment for people making their first conference presentations and to be as accessible as possible to all delegates.
The online booking form will open on 1st April with early bird fees available until 30th June.
For more information please contact Hannah Morgan ([email protected]) or Bob Sapey ([email protected])
Disability Studies Conference 2008
Department of Applied Social Science,
Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YN
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1524 594098
Fax: +44 (0) 1524 592475
Download: DisabilityStudiesConference2008.pdf
DSA Conference 2006
The most recent DSA Conference took place in Lancaster, 18-20th September 2006. The schedule (last updated 22/08/06) and draft book of abstracts (last updated 31/08/06) are available below to download as either word or pdf documents.
Download: abstracts.pdf
Download: abstracts.doc
Download: schedule.pdf
Download: schedule.doc
Also in this section:
> Call for Papers 2006
> Conference Archive
> Disability Studies 2003
> Disability Studies 2004
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